পর্ণ ভিডিও এবং xxx সিনেমা

Chasey Lain

উপনাম: Chasey Laine, Chasey Lane, Tiffany Jones, Chaisey Lane, Tiffany Anne

দেশ: United States

জন্ম: December 7, 1971

চোখ: Green

চুল: Brown

উচ্চতা: 165 cm

ওজন: 52 kg

স্তন: Fake

ভিউ: 3

পর্নস্টার Chasey Lain ভিডিও

1 ভিডিও
Years active: 1993 - present. AVN Magazine has listed her as one of the top 50 porn stars of all-time. In 1997, she landed a role in Trey Parker/Matt Stone’s Orgazmo (1997), and Spike Lee’s He Got Game (1998). After taking a two-year hiatus from the industry in 2002, she returned to focus on her adult-film career.

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